We want to make a big impact for small and medium sized businesses…

At Creative Contention we’ve been around a while and built up an enviable client list, but we don’t have the attitude of bigger is better. We believe that if you’re struggling to get your business noticed or even want a higher level of professional production for pretty much the same price you’re paying today, we can help.

Most agencies forget where their roots come from and tend to lose sight on why they started in the first place. We haven’t, and won’t. We might be working with the likes of NASA, Barclays bank, Gtech, AVG, Citibank, Bank of Ireland, Telefoníca, Scotts of Stowe and National Express, but we are also working with companies building their businesses such as Wells Glass, Ex.design, Spirit of Rock, Hoot, COG Computers, First Move Direct Marketing, Doggy Bag, Olive Labs and Owlwood School, to name a few.

We simply offer the best creative thinking, small or big budgets can buy, because we believe in you and we believe in improving your revenue streams, customer communications and representing your products and services professionally.

Every business wants to grow, every business wants to be a success, and we focus on that.

We use rigour, experience (buckets of it from many sectors and many media channels), insight, research and original thinking to give you a lot more than an edge in competitive markets, but a way to lead it, through nurture, revolution and creative thinking.

How we can work together and why we approach marketing differently, for your benefit…

Our approach is different. We believe in understanding your business, your objectives, your beliefs and providing affordable services to make them a reality.

This can take years, and we’re in it for the long game. We started working with a medium sized client six years ago, and we’ve helped them quadruple their profits in that time, by looking at an overall strategy and creating a roadmap that captured low hanging fruit first and then plotting a course of milestone objectives to take them into the future markets they wanted to expand into. Then we simply implemented each part of the plan after refreshing any market changes and delivered key projects as and when finances were available to do so. We then work closely with your internal marketing departments making sure the projects could be managed, without creating overload or perceived customer indifference.

With clients just requiring project by project work we work closely with them to ensure everything can be delivered in the timescales, and the ideas we generate translate into their marketplace successfully.

Essentially, we build relationships around your needs and wants, not ours, and we think that’s why we’ve won awards, because we put you and your business first, and we’re happy to be in the background supporting your success.

This is why we want to attack and destroy the polemics in your market place, make an impact and succeed with you…

If you’d like to discuss your requirements or make an appointment please complete the details below.

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